New Series
I had this idea for a story . . .
Like most authors, my new book began years ago with a vague idea for a story. This particular tale would be set in St. Augustine, Florida, not far from where I live. It would feature two protagonists—a woman on the cusp of middle age and a teenage boy. As the story unfolds, we’ll find both of them at a low point, having lost everything. However, by helping each other, they’ll gradually reclaim their happiness.
While this premise was intriguing, I wanted to inject more excitement and danger into the narrative. Consequently, the woman became a reluctant, novice private investigator, and the teenage boy developed the ability to communicate with the dead. As you might imagine, such an uncanny gift can be a curse in a town as old (and reputedly haunted) as St. Augustine.
The story was starting to take shape, but it still needed something more. So, I introduced mystery, murder, and the supernatural, along with a dash of political corruption. I also added a psychic medium, members of a well-heeled women’s league, and an aging cover band to the mix. That oughta spice things up!
I’m thrilled to announce that my new book, A Place for Good and Evil, was released today!
A Place for Good and Evil marks the debut of my new Old City Mystery series. (More about it below!) The book is available in both paperback and e-book formats from For a limited time, until August 7th, the e-book is offered at a special price of only $.99. I encourage you to grab a copy today and, if you find it enjoyable, please consider leaving a review.
The excitement continues with Book Two in October 2024, followed by Book Three in January 2025! Stay tuned for more mystery, murder, and the macabre in the Old City!
New Genre
A Place for Good and Evil is a fresh start for me. It is my first novel aimed at an adult audience. My previous works include seven young adult novels—two paranormal thrillers and a five-part mystery adventure series. However, the concept of an adult mystery series has been haunting me for a while.
Writing for an adult audience has offered me a certain freedom. There is less need to be cautious about language, violence, and mature themes. Murder? Definitely. Mayhem? Absolutely. The macabre? Yes, please! That said, A Place for Good and Evil is not overly violent or gory, at least from my perspective. Think of it as a mystery that’s not quite cozy, with a touch of violence, a few instances of strong language, and several eerie scenes.
I was also eager to set the story in St. Augustine. Known as the Old City due to its age (by U.S. standards), it’s the perfect backdrop for eccentric characters, political corruption, and paranormal activity. Locally, it’s jokingly referred to as “a drinking town with a history problem.” If you haven’t visited St. Augustine, I highly recommend it. It is a unique place, perfect for murder mysteries.
I invite you to give my new book and series a try. I hope you’ll find the stories enjoyable. If you do, I’d love to hear from you. If not, well, you’re welcome to keep that to yourself.
New Newsletter
Why the new format for my newsletter, you might ask? As I’ve been making changes to various aspects of my writing, it seemed fitting to revamp my newsletter as well. I’m hopeful that Substack will not only be easier for me to use but also make it easier for readers to find me and subscribe. Fingers crossed!
Rest assured, my newsletters will continue to provide information about my books and my writing journey, including news of new releases, special offers, author events, and more.
In upcoming issues, I’ll also share information about the amazing authors who are appearing as guests on my podcast, The Bookshop at the End of the Internet. As of this newsletter’s date, there are 215 episodes available. These guest authors and I chat about their books, their writing processes, their sources of inspiration, and the highs and lows they’ve encountered on their writing journeys. The podcast showcases authors from diverse backgrounds and books spanning all genres. I encourage you to give it a listen. You’re likely to discover a new addition for your “to be read” list.
One more thing . . .
I’m excited to announce that I’ll be participating in a panel discussion at Bouchercon 2024, taking place in Nashville, TN from August 28 to September 1. My panel is scheduled for the morning of Friday, August 30, starting at 9:30. I’ll be joining podcast hosts Jeff Clark, N.B. Turner, Kirstyn Petras, Dan White, and Carter Wilson. We’ll discuss, among other things, the advantages and challenges of podcasts for authors.
If you’re planning to attend Bouchercon this year, I’d love to meet you. If you haven’t registered yet, I recommend it—it’s an incredible event. For those unfamiliar with Bouchercon, you find more information about it here.
Thank you for subscribing to my newsletter. My goal is to share a new issue with you each month. However, on the rare occasion when there’s a wealth of news to share, you might receive two issues in a single month. Crazy, I know! I appreciate your company on this journey.